A thank you from ASRC
Photo by Anthony Cuskelly - North Side Swing's Community Night April
Dear 1929 Studios & Community Night,
Thank you for your generous donation to the ASRC Foodbank. Our Foodbank ensures asylum seeker families without work rights or income support are still able to access groceries. We wouldn't be able to provide that service without donations like yours.
At this stage we are seeing around 520 asylum seekers through the Foodbank each week and have found that 1/3 of these are relying on us as their sole source of food. This is a staggering amount, but highlights the responsibility we have to our clients to ensure that enough healthy and safe food is in consistent supply until more humane immigration policies are realised by our Government.
And don't forget to like our ASRC Food Network page on Facebook to keep up-to-date with all the ASRC's Foodbank activities and requirements.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Chony and the Foodbank Team
Foodbank Communications
Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
214-218 Nicholson St Footscray 3011
Facebook: ASRC Food Network